For nature lovers, or those who simply want to enjoy the taste of outdoor life on the lips, the gas grill is a true friend. Most homes in America today, at least one grid. Some people can use their gas grill once in a while, some may use the grill each season, while some people can use all the possibilities of having perhaps.
What group of people who belong to? In any case, whatever happens, the value of your gas grill as much as the other valueFurniture and equipment in your home. Wait, do not pay much attention to them? Yous should! You never know when you have a very important guest in your home, longing for a good old meat and grilled vegetables, and you have nothing to offer.
If you create a lasting relationship with the gas grill, as well as being able to use, you should also consider the possibility of allocating time to clean and maintain. In general, the real support for our gas grill take. Apartto this, you should also consider the possibility to correctly diagnose some of the main problems you may encounter with the gas grill.
You do not need to be to make a correct diagnosis of the problem, and, above all, be able to resolve adequately an expert mechanic. Yes, you need a professional craftsman called most of the time. To start, here are some of the most gas grills.
The burner does not light
The most common and most common reason why yourBurner refuse to light is that there is a problem with the flow of propane. Check all connections in terms of propane. Check your propane tank and verify that it is full. You can check this guide is usually on the side of gas grill to do. Most models are equipped with tables for measuring propane and tell you if it's time to fill.
If your tank seems to be complete, check the button on top of the tank where the gas flows through a pipe is connected.Turn the dial until it is resolved. After making sure the connection, check the valve on top of the tank. If some gas is released, you must turn the knob, also on the right side. The valve must open when the light.
If none of the above seemed to work, take a look at the inside of the burner grid. This is a small piece of metal bars with holes. Get a can of compressed air and blow some 'air to the burners. Make sure that the gas is off, and there is no flameBurn before jumping into the air. This is not a grease and food particles, clogging up the burners can be removed.
It 'also possible that the problem lies in your power, such as humidity or extreme cold can damage temporarily. To resolve this problem, you are trying to replace the ignition device. This is usually the front bottom of the gas grill. Try a small hole in the area. Manually with a propane lighter fluid and light. Turn the valve on top of propane tank untilopen and then turn the knob on the adjustment range of the position of the light. After this I will turn easily.
The grids are not hot
The first thing to do when this happens, the air damper or inside the venturi tube gas grill and adjust them to ensure they are properly aligned. Then check valves in the gas tank. The goal is to avoid losses exist. Do not open the gas valve and then slowly open the valve on top of the propane tank. With a mixture ofa tablespoon of dishwashing liquid and a glass of water, splashing around the fittings and pipes.
When the mixture bubbles, may be a loss. Turn off gas and tighten the parties that lost. If parts were damaged, it must be replaced. You can also try to take control of the control buttons as they can lock and unlock already wrong. The mechanism button and the valve stem must be aligned to ensure an adequate flow of gas.
The flame burns yellow
Like what is sothe above problem is the first thing that you may have to do when the flame of a gas grill is yellow, to check the air damper. Look for spider webs or debris in the venturi tubes and clean out. You also need to clean the burners and make sure that there are fat and food particles left. It can also be a film of oil on the burner. To remove, turn on the grill and get it to work in a high, then let stand for 10 minutes.
The problem could also be inSupervisors. Regulators tend to stick and if they stay, do not get enough gas to grill properly. To resolve this problem, turn off the gas at the propane tank. Disconnect the gas pipe and then open the lid of your gas grill. Set all valves in an environment of high and wait about a minute and turn off the valves. Connect the gas line and slowly and you can go the gas for grilling.